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Recap: Boys Varsity Moore vs Noble Recap


106- W. Welch receives a forfeit

Team score Moore- 6 Noble- 0

113- L. Roundtree vs G. Thomas

Roundtree started the action with tying up with Thomas, Thomas opened up the scoring with a takedown and began working on top with a cradle that produced no nearfall. After going out of bounds Roundtree came to his feet which produced a return from Thomas as the period comes to an end 2-0 Thomas.

Second period saw Thomas choose bottom to start the period. Roundtree was hit with a stalling call as Thomas comes to his feet. After going out of bounds Thomas comes to his feet again and earns an escape making the score 3-0. Thomas waste no time getting in on a double leg and finishes for two making the score 5-0. Thomas was able to secure a two point nearfall as Roundtree lays on his hip and Thomas breaks criteria 7-0. As the period ends Thomas is hit with a technical for a full nelson making the score 7-1.

Third period Roundtree’s choice and he goes down, as the whistle blows Roundtree tries to gramby with no luck. Thomas is hit with another tech for another full nelson score 7-2 Thomas. After a couple of cradle attempts and a chicken wing attempt the third period ends and Thomas wins 7-2.

Team score Moore-6 Noble- 3

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