Big 4 + 4 Tournament   

January 28, 2023

Site: Perry

Team Scores

2Ponca City144.56Deer Creek113.5
4Choctaw127.58Perry  95.5

Outstanding Wrestler – Holden Martin, Westmoore (175 lbs.)


1st Place – Eric Casula of Westmoore

2nd Place – Jimmy Swenson of Ponca City

3rd Place – Nash Neeley of Deer Creek

4th Place – Bryson Hand of Choctaw

5th Place – Jaxson Brown of Blackwell

6th Place – Brice Martin of Elgin

Round 1

Nash Neeley (Deer Creek) 21-14, Fr. over Jaxson Brown (Blackwell) 2-2, Jr. (Dec 12-6)

Jimmy Swenson (Ponca City) 26-7, Jr. over Ryker Ernce (Perry) 1-4, (Fall 0:33)

Bryson Hand (Choctaw) 19-9, Jr. over Brice Martin (Elgin) 1-3, Fr. (SV-1 6-4)

Round 2

Eric Casula (Westmoore) 30-2, Fr. over Jaxson Brown (Blackwell) 2-2, Jr. (TF 2:53 (16-0))

Jimmy Swenson (Ponca City) 26-7, Jr. over Brice Martin (Elgin) 1-3, Fr. (Fall 0:56)

Bryson Hand (Choctaw) 19-9, Jr. over Ryker Ernce (Perry) 1-4, (Fall 1:50)

Round 3

Eric Casula (Westmoore) 30-2, Fr. over Nash Neeley (Deer Creek) 21-14, Fr. (TF-1.5 4:38 (15-0))

Jimmy Swenson (Ponca City) 26-7, Jr. over Bryson Hand (Choctaw) 19-9, Jr. (Fall 1:55)

Brice Martin (Elgin) 1-3, Fr. over Ryker Ernce (Perry) 1-4, . (Fall 1:34)

Round 4

Eric Casula (Westmoore) 30-2, Fr. over Bryson Hand (Choctaw) 19-9, Jr. (Fall 1:01)

Jimmy Swenson (Ponca City) 26-7, Jr. over Nash Neeley (Deer Creek) 21-14, Fr. (Fall 3:47)

Jaxson Brown (Blackwell) 2-2, Jr. over Ryker Ernce (Perry) 1-4, (Fall 1:39)

Round 5

Eric Casula (Westmoore) 30-2, Fr. over Jimmy Swenson (Ponca City) 26-7, Jr. (Dec 1-0)

Nash Neeley (Deer Creek) 21-14, Fr. over Bryson Hand (Choctaw) 19-9, Jr. (Fall 5:47)

Jaxson Brown (Blackwell) 2-2, Jr. over Brice Martin (Elgin) 1-3, Fr. (SV-1 6-4)


1st Place – Christopher Kiser of Ponca City

2nd Place – Hunter Jackson of Elgin

3rd Place – Brayden Kelly of Westmoore

4th Place – Toby Shipman of Coweta

5th Place – Ethan Thomas of Choctaw

6th Place – Hayes McNeill of Deer Creek

Round 1

Christopher Kiser (Ponca City) 28-0, Jr. over Hunter Jackson (Elgin) 4-1, So. (TF 2:59 (20-3))

Ethan Thomas (Choctaw) 15-8, Jr. over Toby Shipman (Coweta) 17-5, Fr. (Dec 3-2)

Brayden Kelly (Westmoore) 19-11, Jr. over Hayes McNeill (Deer Creek) 12-18, Fr. (MD 15-2)

Round 2

Christopher Kiser (Ponca City) 28-0, Jr. over Hayes McNeill (Deer Creek) 12-18, Fr. (Fall 1:35)

Toby Shipman (Coweta) 17-5, Fr. over Brayden Kelly (Westmoore) 19-11, Jr. (TF-1.5 4:37 (16-1))

Hunter Jackson (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Ethan Thomas (Choctaw) 15-8, Jr. (Fall 1:50)

Round 3

Christopher Kiser (Ponca City) 28-0, Jr. over Brayden Kelly (Westmoore) 19-11, Jr. (Fall 1:52)

Hunter Jackson (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Toby Shipman (Coweta) 17-5, Fr. (Dec 3-1)

Ethan Thomas (Choctaw) 15-8, Jr. over Hayes McNeill (Deer Creek) 12-18, Fr. (MD 16-6)

Round 4

Christopher Kiser (Ponca City) 28-0, Jr. over Ethan Thomas (Choctaw) 15-8, Jr. (Fall 0:44)

Toby Shipman (Coweta) 17-5, Fr. over Hayes McNeill (Deer Creek) 12-18, Fr. (MD 14-4)

Hunter Jackson (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Brayden Kelly (Westmoore) 19-11, Jr. (Fall 1:35)

Round 5

Christopher Kiser (Ponca City) 28-0, Jr. over Toby Shipman (Coweta) 17-5, Fr. (Fall 3:19)

Brayden Kelly (Westmoore) 19-11, Jr. over Ethan Thomas (Choctaw) 15-8, Jr. (Fall 1:24)

Hunter Jackson (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Hayes McNeill (Deer Creek) 12-18, Fr. (Fall 2:33)


1st Place – Devon Miller of Westmoore

2nd Place – Cameron Kiser of Ponca City

3rd Place – Beau Murphy of Blackwell

4th Place – Colby Eighinger of Coweta

5th Place – Gavin Wehr of Ponca City

6th Place – Carson Avery of Perry

Round 1

Beau Murphy (Blackwell) 2-2, Sr. over Gavin Wehr (Ponca City) 7-10, So. (Fall 1:25)

Cameron Kiser (Ponca City) 28-7, Jr. over Dylan Lazzer (Elgin) 0-4, Jr. (Fall 0:58)

Colby Eighinger (Coweta) 23-12, Jr. over Carson Avery (Perry) 2-3, . (Dec 6-3)

Round 2

Devon Miller (Westmoore) 30-1, So. over Beau Murphy (Blackwell) 2-2, Sr. (MD 17-7)

Cameron Kiser (Ponca City) 28-7, Jr. over Carson Avery (Perry) 2-3, . (Fall 3:04)

Colby Eighinger (Coweta) 23-12, Jr. over Dylan Lazzer (Elgin) 0-4, Jr. (Fall 2:40)

Round 3

Devon Miller (Westmoore) 30-1, So. over Gavin Wehr (Ponca City) 7-10, So. (Fall 0:30)

Cameron Kiser (Ponca City) 28-7, Jr. over Colby Eighinger (Coweta) 23-12, Jr. (TF-1.5 5:36 (20-4))

Carson Avery (Perry) 2-3, . over Dylan Lazzer (Elgin) 0-4, Jr. (Dec 9-7)

Round 4

Devon Miller (Westmoore) 30-1, So. over Colby Eighinger (Coweta) 23-12, Jr. (TF-1.5 4:00 (22-6))

Cameron Kiser (Ponca City) 28-7, Jr. over Beau Murphy (Blackwell) 2-2, Sr. (Fall 2:00)

Gavin Wehr (Ponca City) 7-10, So. over Dylan Lazzer (Elgin) 0-4, Jr. (Fall 1:50)

Round 5

Devon Miller (Westmoore) 30-1, So. over Cameron Kiser (Ponca City) 28-7, Jr. (Dec 1-0)

Beau Murphy (Blackwell) 2-2, Sr. over Colby Eighinger (Coweta) 23-12, Jr. (Fall 2:52)

Gavin Wehr (Ponca City) 7-10, So. over Carson Avery (Perry) 2-3, . (MD 11-3)


1st Place – Andrew Auwen of Choctaw

2nd Place – Kaiden Ailey of Blackwell

3rd Place – Kaiden Castro of Westmoore

4th Place – Jack Swenson of Ponca City

5th Place – Garon Kaiser of Deer Creek

6th Place – Conner Earwood of Choctaw

Round 1

Andrew Auwen (Choctaw) 22-6, Jr. over Dylan Brown (Elgin) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 2:38)

Jack Swenson (Ponca City) 13-15, Sr. over Thomas Patton (Coweta) 13-14, So. (Fall 1:20)

Kaiden Castro (Westmoore) 21-11, Jr. over Conner Earwood (Choctaw) 2-3, . (Dec 3-0)

Kaiden Ailey (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Garon Kaiser (Deer Creek) 19-13, Fr. (SV-1 13-11)

Round 2

Andrew Auwen (Choctaw) 22-6, Jr. over Jack Swenson (Ponca City) 13-15, Sr. (Dec 6-3)

Dylan Brown (Elgin) 1-4, Jr. over Thomas Patton (Coweta) 13-14, So. (Fall 1:32)

Kaiden Ailey (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Kaiden Castro (Westmoore) 21-11, Jr. (Dec 3-2)

Garon Kaiser (Deer Creek) 19-13, Fr. over Conner Earwood (Choctaw) 2-3, . (Dec 6-2)

Round 3

Andrew Auwen (Choctaw) 22-6, Jr. over Thomas Patton (Coweta) 13-14, So. (TF-1.5 3:29 (17-0))

Jack Swenson (Ponca City) 13-15, Sr. over Dylan Brown (Elgin) 1-4, Jr. (TF-1.5 4:42 (18-3))

Kaiden Castro (Westmoore) 21-11, Jr. over Garon Kaiser (Deer Creek) 19-13, Fr. (Dec 1-0)

Kaiden Ailey (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Conner Earwood (Choctaw) 2-3, . (TF-1.5 4:21 (17-2))

Round 4

Andrew Auwen (Choctaw) 22-6, Jr. over Kaiden Castro (Westmoore) 21-11, Jr. (Fall 2:48)

Kaiden Ailey (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Jack Swenson (Ponca City) 13-15, Sr. (Dec 9-4)

Conner Earwood (Choctaw) 2-3, . over Dylan Brown (Elgin) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 3:40)

Garon Kaiser (Deer Creek) 19-13, Fr. over Thomas Patton (Coweta) 13-14, So. (Fall 1:19)

Round 5

Andrew Auwen (Choctaw) 22-6, Jr. over Kaiden Ailey (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. (Dec 3-2)

Kaiden Castro (Westmoore) 21-11, Jr. over Jack Swenson (Ponca City) 13-15, Sr. (Dec 1-0)

Garon Kaiser (Deer Creek) 19-13, Fr. over Dylan Brown (Elgin) 1-4, Jr. (MD 12-0)

Conner Earwood (Choctaw) 2-3, . over Thomas Patton (Coweta) 13-14, So. (TF-1.5 3:13 (15-0))


1st Place – Jace Province of Deer Creek

2nd Place – Preston Lee of Ponca City

3rd Place – Gannon Morales of Westmoore

4th Place – Nino Vidic of Elgin

5th Place – Jory Garrett of Choctaw

6th Place – Peyton Head of Blackwell

Round 1

Jace Province (Deer Creek) 8-5, So. over Peyton Head (Blackwell) 1-3, So. (Fall 3:02)

Nino Vidic (Elgin) 2-3, Sr. over Jory Garrett (Choctaw) 16-8, So. (Dec 10-6)

Gannon Morales (Westmoore) 18-12, Jr. over Gavin Gerau (Perry) 1-4, (Dec 7-1)

Round 2

Preston Lee (Ponca City) 20-6, Sr. over Peyton Head (Blackwell) 1-3, So. (Dec 6-2)

Jory Garrett (Choctaw) 16-8, So. over Gavin Gerau (Perry) 1-4, . (Fall 5:18)

Gannon Morales (Westmoore) 18-12, Jr. over Nino Vidic (Elgin) 2-3, Sr. (Dec 5-1)

Round 3

Jace Province (Deer Creek) 8-5, So. over Preston Lee (Ponca City) 20-6, Sr. (Dec 7-3)

Gannon Morales (Westmoore) 18-12, Jr. over Jory Garrett (Choctaw) 16-8, So. (MD 8-0)

Nino Vidic (Elgin) 2-3, Sr. over Gavin Gerau (Perry) 1-4, . (Fall 1:51)

Round 4

Jace Province (Deer Creek) 8-5, So. over Nino Vidic (Elgin) 2-3, Sr. (Dec 6-2)

Preston Lee (Ponca City) 20-6, Sr. over Gannon Morales (Westmoore) 18-12, Jr. (Fall 1:17)

Peyton Head (Blackwell) 1-3, So. over Gavin Gerau (Perry) 1-4, . (Fall 1:39)

Round 5

Jace Province (Deer Creek) 8-5, So. over Gannon Morales (Westmoore) 18-12, Jr. (Dec 7-1)

Preston Lee (Ponca City) 20-6, Sr. over Nino Vidic (Elgin) 2-3, Sr. (For.)

Jory Garrett (Choctaw) 16-8, So. over Peyton Head (Blackwell) 1-3, So. (Dec 9-7)


1st Place – Cash Holman of Choctaw

2nd Place – Kasin O`Dell of Blackwell

3rd Place – Connor Perkins of Westmoore

4th Place – Justin Pham of Deer Creek

5th Place – Struass Karcher of Perry

6th Place – Austin Elam of Elgin

1st Place Match: Cash Holman (Choctaw) 26-5, So. over Kasin O`Dell (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. (Dec 10-4)

3rd Place Match: Connor Perkins (Westmoore) 10-3, Sr. over Justin Pham (Deer Creek) 17-13, Sr. (Dec 4-3)

5th Place Match: Struass Karcher (Perry) 4-2, over Austin Elam (Elgin) 2-3, Fr. (Fall 3:53)


1st Place – Trae Rios of Westmoore

2nd Place – Cole Olguin of Choctaw

3rd Place – Brock Roberts of Coweta

4th Place – Ryker Agee of Ponca City

5th Place – Dominik Benedetto of Elgin

6th Place – Laker Ingram of Blackwell

1st Place Match: Trae Rios (Westmoore) 21-2, So. over Cole Olguin (Choctaw) 19-7, So. (Fall 1:41)

3rd Place Match: Brock Roberts (Coweta) 30-4, Jr. over Ryker Agee (Ponca City) 15-8, Sr. (Fall 1:17)

5th Place Match: Dominik Benedetto (Elgin) 3-2, Sr. over Laker Ingram (Blackwell) 1-3, Fr. (Dec 7-2)


1st Place – Mason Kidd of Coweta

2nd Place – Jack Anglley of Elgin

3rd Place – Joey McGrew of Westmoore

4th Place – Chris Cordova of Perry

5th Place – Barrett Weathers of Deer Creek

6th Place – Lane Looper of Blackwell

7th Place – Braden Perciful of Ponca City

8th Place – Zane Ruth of Perry

Round 1

Chris Cordova (Perry) 4-2, over Jack Anglley (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. (Dec 4-2)

Barrett Weathers (Deer Creek) 15-15, Jr. over Braden Perciful (Ponca City) 7-19, Jr. (Fall 1:08)

Mason Kidd (Coweta) 31-3, Sr. over Zane Ruth (Perry) 0-5, (MD 11-0)

Joey McGrew (Westmoore) 16-10, So. over Lane Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, So. (Dec 9-3)

Round 2

Chris Cordova (Perry) 4-2, over Braden Perciful (Ponca City) 7-19, Jr. (Dec 8-2)

Jack Anglley (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Barrett Weathers (Deer Creek) 15-15, Jr. (Dec 12-9)

Mason Kidd (Coweta) 31-3, Sr. over Lane Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, So. (Fall 0:38)

Joey McGrew (Westmoore) 16-10, So. over Zane Ruth (Perry) 0-5, . (MD 16-5)

Round 3

Chris Cordova (Perry) 4-2, over Barrett Weathers (Deer Creek) 15-15, Jr. (Dec 6-3)

Jack Anglley (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Braden Perciful (Ponca City) 7-19, Jr. (Fall 1:12)

Mason Kidd (Coweta) 31-3, Sr. over Joey McGrew (Westmoore) 16-10, So. (Fall 2:57)

Lane Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, So. over Zane Ruth (Perry) 0-5, . (Dec 7-3)

Round 4

Joey McGrew (Westmoore) 16-10, So. over Chris Cordova (Perry) 4-2, . (Dec 5-2)

Mason Kidd (Coweta) 31-3, Sr. over Jack Anglley (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. (Fall 4:11)

Barrett Weathers (Deer Creek) 15-15, Jr. over Zane Ruth (Perry) 0-5, . (MD 11-2)

Lane Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, So. over Braden Perciful (Ponca City) 7-19, Jr. (Fall 3:25)

Round 5

Mason Kidd (Coweta) 31-3, Sr. over Chris Cordova (Perry) 4-2, (Fall 0:37)

Jack Anglley (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Joey McGrew (Westmoore) 16-10, So. (Dec 6-4)

Barrett Weathers (Deer Creek) 15-15, Jr. over Lane Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, So. (Dec 8-3)

Braden Perciful (Ponca City) 7-19, Jr. over Zane Ruth (Perry) 0-5, (Fall 1:42)


1st Place – Brady Brewer of Deer Creek

2nd Place – Lawson Lusk of Blackwell

3rd Place – Gabe Dittmeyer of Elgin

4th Place – Isaac Forman of Westmoore

5th Place – Ayden Thelin of Choctaw

6th Place – Sutton Bonham of Perry

Round 1

Isaac Forman (Westmoore) 15-11, So. over Sutton Bonham (Perry) 2-3, . (Fall 1:28)

Ayden Thelin (Choctaw) 16-9, Jr. over Johnathan Stastyzen (Blackwell) 0-4, . (Fall 3:33)

Brady Brewer (Deer Creek) 18-10, So. over Gabe Dittmeyer (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. (MD 10-1)

Round 2

Lawson Lusk (Blackwell) 3-1, Jr. over Isaac Forman (Westmoore) 15-11, So. (Fall 1:36)

Gabe Dittmeyer (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Ayden Thelin (Choctaw) 16-9, Jr. (Dec 7-0)

Brady Brewer (Deer Creek) 18-10, So. over Johnathan Stastyzen (Blackwell) 0-4, . (Fall 1:08)

Round 3

Lawson Lusk (Blackwell) 3-1, Jr. over Sutton Bonham (Perry) 2-3, . (Fall 1:10)

Brady Brewer (Deer Creek) 18-10, So. over Ayden Thelin (Choctaw) 16-9, Jr. (Fall 1:53)

Gabe Dittmeyer (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Johnathan Stastyzen (Blackwell) 0-4, . (Fall 0:36)

Round 4

Lawson Lusk (Blackwell) 3-1, Jr. over Gabe Dittmeyer (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. (Fall 4:29)

Brady Brewer (Deer Creek) 18-10, So. over Isaac Forman (Westmoore) 15-11, So. (Fall 0:57)

Sutton Bonham (Perry) 2-3, . over Johnathan Stastyzen (Blackwell) 0-4, . (Dec 8-2)

Round 5

Brady Brewer (Deer Creek) 18-10, So. over Lawson Lusk (Blackwell) 3-1, Jr. (Dec 8-4)

Gabe Dittmeyer (Elgin) 3-2, Jr. over Isaac Forman (Westmoore) 15-11, So. (Dec 7-5)

Ayden Thelin (Choctaw) 16-9, Jr. over Sutton Bonham (Perry) 2-3, . (Fall 3:47)


1st Place – Ethan Day of Westmoore

2nd Place – Rance Ridley of Choctaw

3rd Place – Carson Laverty of Coweta

4th Place – Ethan Hughes of Perry

5th Place – George Tahdooahnippah of Elgin

6th Place – Junior Youmbi of Deer Creek

Round 1

Ethan Day (Westmoore) 28-5, Sr. over George Tahdooahnippah (Elgin) 3-2, So. (TF-1.5 5:58 (22-7))

Rance Ridley (Choctaw) 18-6, So. over Junior Youmbi (Deer Creek) 11-12, So. (Fall 4:50)

Ethan Hughes (Perry) 3-3, . over Zaine McDonald (Blackwell) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 4:23)

Carson Laverty (Coweta) 25-8, Sr. over Thatcher Colen (Perry) 0-5, . (TF-1.5 4:48 (19-4))

Round 2

Ethan Day (Westmoore) 28-5, Sr. over Junior Youmbi (Deer Creek) 11-12, So. (Fall 1:38)

Rance Ridley (Choctaw) 18-6, So. over George Tahdooahnippah (Elgin) 3-2, So. (Fall 1:29)

Ethan Hughes (Perry) 3-3, . over Thatcher Colen (Perry) 0-5, . (MD 16-5)

Carson Laverty (Coweta) 25-8, Sr. over Zaine McDonald (Blackwell) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 1:36)

Round 3

Ethan Day (Westmoore) 28-5, Sr. over Rance Ridley (Choctaw) 18-6, So. (Dec 9-5)

George Tahdooahnippah (Elgin) 3-2, So. over Junior Youmbi (Deer Creek) 11-12, So. (Dec 9-4)

Carson Laverty (Coweta) 25-8, Sr. over Ethan Hughes (Perry) 3-3, . (Dec 3-1)

Zaine McDonald (Blackwell) 1-4, Jr. over Thatcher Colen (Perry) 0-5, . (Dec 6-4)

Round 4

Ethan Day (Westmoore) 28-5, Sr. over Ethan Hughes (Perry) 3-3, . (Dec 7-3)

Rance Ridley (Choctaw) 18-6, So. over Carson Laverty (Coweta) 25-8, Sr. (Dec 4-3)

George Tahdooahnippah (Elgin) 3-2, So. over Thatcher Colen (Perry) 0-5, . (Fall 1:49)

Junior Youmbi (Deer Creek) 11-12, So. over Zaine McDonald (Blackwell) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 4:26)

Round 5

Ethan Day (Westmoore) 28-5, Sr. over Carson Laverty (Coweta) 25-8, Sr. (Dec 10-6)

Rance Ridley (Choctaw) 18-6, So. over Ethan Hughes (Perry) 3-3, . (Fall 0:50)

George Tahdooahnippah (Elgin) 3-2, So. over Zaine McDonald (Blackwell) 1-4, Jr. (Dec 9-3)

Junior Youmbi (Deer Creek) 11-12, So. over Thatcher Colen (Perry) 0-5, . (TF-1.5 5:46 (20-4))


1st Place – Holden Martin of Westmoore

2nd Place – Kaleb Owen of Perry

3rd Place – Jason Osgood of Blackwell

4th Place – Jonavin Mullins of Elgin

5th Place – Jaxon Goddard of Ponca City

Round 1

Kaleb Owen (Perry) 4-1, over Jason Osgood (Blackwell) 2-2, So. (TB-1 3-2)

Jonavin Mullins (Elgin) 1-3, So. over Jaxon Goddard (Ponca City) 3-11, So. (Fall 0:50)

Round 2

Holden Martin (Westmoore) 28-2, Sr. over Jonavin Mullins (Elgin) 1-3, So. (Fall 0:57)

Kaleb Owen (Perry) 4-1, over Jaxon Goddard (Ponca City) 3-11, So. (Fall 0:53)

Round 3

Holden Martin (Westmoore) 28-2, Sr. over Jaxon Goddard (Ponca City) 3-11, So. (Fall 1:24)

Jason Osgood (Blackwell) 2-2, So. over Jonavin Mullins (Elgin) 1-3, So. (Fall 3:26)

Round 4

Holden Martin (Westmoore) 28-2, Sr. over Jason Osgood (Blackwell) 2-2, So. (Dec 11-5)

Kaleb Owen (Perry) 4-1, over Jonavin Mullins (Elgin) 1-3, So. (TF-1.5 3:18 (16-0))

Round 5

Holden Martin (Westmoore) 28-2, Sr. over Kaleb Owen (Perry) 4-1, (UTB 6-5)

Jason Osgood (Blackwell) 2-2, So. over Jaxon Goddard (Ponca City) 3-11, So. (Fall 1:24)


1st Place – Kruz Goff of Blackwell

2nd Place – Treg Bowman of Perry

3rd Place – Asher Walls of Choctaw

4th Place – Jordan Cox of Westmoore

5th Place – Malcum Tucker of Deer Creek

6th Place – Noah Lloyd of Coweta

Round 1

Jordan Cox (Westmoore) 4-5, Jr. over Malcum Tucker (Deer Creek) 11-15, Sr. (Fall 4:19)

Treg Bowman (Perry) 5-1, over Noah Lloyd (Coweta) 1-3, Sr. (Fall 1:26)

Asher Walls (Choctaw) 19-8, So. over Kaiden Lewis (Ponca City) 3-10, Jr. (Fall 2:00)

Round 2

Kruz Goff (Blackwell) 4-0, So. over Malcum Tucker (Deer Creek) 11-15, Sr. (Fall 1:30)

Treg Bowman (Perry) 5-1, . over Kaiden Lewis (Ponca City) 3-10, Jr. (Fall 1:21)

Asher Walls (Choctaw) 19-8, So. over Noah Lloyd (Coweta) 1-3, Sr. (Fall 2:40)

Round 3

Kruz Goff (Blackwell) 4-0, So. over Jordan Cox (Westmoore) 4-5, Jr. (Fall 1:05)

Treg Bowman (Perry) 5-1, . over Asher Walls (Choctaw) 19-8, So. (Fall 1:34)

Noah Lloyd (Coweta) 1-3, Sr. over Kaiden Lewis (Ponca City) 3-10, Jr. (Fall 2:23)

Round 4

Kruz Goff (Blackwell) 4-0, So. over Asher Walls (Choctaw) 19-8, So. (Fall 2:07)

Treg Bowman (Perry) 5-1, . over Jordan Cox (Westmoore) 4-5, Jr. (Fall 5:22)

Malcum Tucker (Deer Creek) 11-15, Sr. over Kaiden Lewis (Ponca City) 3-10, Jr. (Fall 1:02)

Round 5

Kruz Goff (Blackwell) 4-0, So. over Treg Bowman (Perry) 5-1, . (TF-1.5 4:41 (16-0))

Asher Walls (Choctaw) 19-8, So. over Jordan Cox (Westmoore) 4-5, Jr. (Fall 5:02)

Malcum Tucker (Deer Creek) 11-15, Sr. over Noah Lloyd (Coweta) 1-3, Sr. (Fall 0:53)


1st Place – Gabe Roland of Ponca City

2nd Place – Colyn Donnelly of Elgin

3rd Place – Cash Waren of Perry

4th Place – Kolby Looper of Blackwell

5th Place – Joseph Coffey of Westmoore

6th Place – Abraham Fudeyev of Coweta

Round 1

Gabe Roland (Ponca City) 27-2, Sr. over Colyn Donnelly (Elgin) 4-1, So. (Fall 3:00)

Joseph Coffey (Westmoore) 3-2, So. over Abraham Fudeyev (Coweta) 23-7, Sr. (SV-1 3-1)

Kolby Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, Sr. over Sam Gold (Deer Creek) 1-4, . (Fall 1:49)

Cash Waren (Perry) 4-2, over Dillon Smart (Choctaw) 0-5, Jr. (For.)

Round 2

Gabe Roland (Ponca City) 27-2, Sr. over Joseph Coffey (Westmoore) 3-2, So. (Fall 1:53)

Colyn Donnelly (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Abraham Fudeyev (Coweta) 23-7, Sr. (Fall 2:37)

Kolby Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, Sr. over Dillon Smart (Choctaw) 0-5, Jr. (Fall 1:26)

Cash Waren (Perry) 4-2, over Sam Gold (Deer Creek) 1-4, . (Fall 1:38)

Round 3

Gabe Roland (Ponca City) 27-2, Sr. over Abraham Fudeyev (Coweta) 23-7, Sr. (Fall 0:11)

Colyn Donnelly (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Joseph Coffey (Westmoore) 3-2, So. (Fall 1:20)

Cash Waren (Perry) 4-2, over Kolby Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, Sr. (Dec 5-1)

Sam Gold (Deer Creek) 1-4, over Dillon Smart (Choctaw) 0-5, Jr. (Fall 1:08)

Round 4

Gabe Roland (Ponca City) 27-2, Sr. over Kolby Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 1:03)

Colyn Donnelly (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Cash Waren (Perry) 4-2, . (Dec 9-4)

Joseph Coffey (Westmoore) 3-2, So. over Dillon Smart (Choctaw) 0-5, Jr. (Fall 0:44)

Abraham Fudeyev (Coweta) 23-7, Sr. over Sam Gold (Deer Creek) 1-4, (Fall 1:29)

Round 5

Gabe Roland (Ponca City) 27-2, Sr. over Cash Waren (Perry) 4-2, . (Fall 0:28)

Colyn Donnelly (Elgin) 4-1, So. over Kolby Looper (Blackwell) 2-3, Sr. (Inj. 0:00)

Joseph Coffey (Westmoore) 3-2, So. over Sam Gold (Deer Creek) 1-4, . (Fall 0:38)

Abraham Fudeyev (Coweta) 23-7, Sr. over Dillon Smart (Choctaw) 0-5, Jr. (Fall 0:38)


1st Place – Deacon Peterson of Coweta

2nd Place – J.D. McCleary of Blackwell

3rd Place – Manny Dolezal of Perry

4th Place – Shay Spencer of Elgin

5th Place – Josh Romero of Deer Creek

6th Place – Darius Allen of Ponca City

Round 1

J.D. McCleary (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Shay Spencer (Elgin) 2-3, So. (Dec 5-2)

Josh Romero (Deer Creek) 14-9, Sr. over Levi Shatswell (Choctaw) 10-13, Fr. (Fall 2:15)

Manny Dolezal (Perry) 4-2, over Darius Allen (Ponca City) 5-10, Sr. (Fall 2:21)

Deacon Peterson (Coweta) 28-5, Jr. over William Curfman (Ponca City) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 1:17)

Round 2

J.D. McCleary (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Levi Shatswell (Choctaw) 10-13, Fr. (Fall 3:53)

Shay Spencer (Elgin) 2-3, So. over Josh Romero (Deer Creek) 14-9, Sr. (Fall 2:21)

Manny Dolezal (Perry) 4-2, . over William Curfman (Ponca City) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 0:55)

Deacon Peterson (Coweta) 28-5, Jr. over Darius Allen (Ponca City) 5-10, Sr. (Dec 2-0)

Round 3

J.D. McCleary (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Josh Romero (Deer Creek) 14-9, Sr. (Fall 2:51)

Shay Spencer (Elgin) 2-3, So. over Levi Shatswell (Choctaw) 10-13, Fr. (Fall 0:00)

Deacon Peterson (Coweta) 28-5, Jr. over Manny Dolezal (Perry) 4-2, . (Dec 1-0)

Darius Allen (Ponca City) 5-10, Sr. over William Curfman (Ponca City) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 5:17)

Round 4

J.D. McCleary (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. over Manny Dolezal (Perry) 4-2, (Dec 3-2)

Deacon Peterson (Coweta) 28-5, Jr. over Shay Spencer (Elgin) 2-3, So. (Dec 3-2)

Josh Romero (Deer Creek) 14-9, Sr. over William Curfman (Ponca City) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 1:23)

Darius Allen (Ponca City) 5-10, Sr. over Levi Shatswell (Choctaw) 10-13, Fr. (Inj. 0:00)

Round 5

Deacon Peterson (Coweta) 28-5, Jr. over J.D. McCleary (Blackwell) 4-1, Sr. (TB-1 2-1)

Manny Dolezal (Perry) 4-2, over Shay Spencer (Elgin) 2-3, So. (Fall 4:23)

Josh Romero (Deer Creek) 14-9, Sr. over Darius Allen (Ponca City) 5-10, Sr. (Fall 1:47)

William Curfman (Ponca City) 2-6, Jr. over Levi Shatswell (Choctaw) 10-13, Fr. (Inj. 0:00)